Robert Rantz

About Robert

Rob on Treadmill

I'm a mechanical engineer and researcher who has spent a lot of time honing my skills in electromechanical system design, mathematical modeling, dynamical systems, and practical optimization so that I can produce high-quality products and research. My career is also a great excuse for spending time learning about the nature of the universe!

I've worked in several fields in different capacities, including as an engineer, researcher, and deployment specialist in industries ranging from entertainment to academia; from product development to combustion engine design. I'm always looking to learn something new and sharpen what I already know.

I've spent the last several years conducting research in energy harvesting, which required the design of many sophisticated prototype devices. This work has been profoundly satisfying and has resulted in a broad set of skills in system dynamics, simulation, transducers, and design. My attention has since returned to industry where my skills can be used to develop products, solve difficult problems, and generally push technological boundaries. I typically do this via consulting; however, I'm always open to job opportunities with companies that are developing a cool new product, building the next great robot, or generally have interesting problems to solve. I’m also open to volunteering my time with a non-profit or charitable organization if my skills can make a positive difference.

Read more below and elsewhere on this site, and be sure to contact me if you'd like to chat.

"Robert is an incredibly gifted engineer...

...who I was privileged to work with. He exhibits a passion for learning and growth that is rare, and is never satisfied with a superficial understanding of a system. He was consistently taking on new and diverse tasks, especially when it gave him a chance to get outside his comfort zone and learn a new skill. I would wholeheartedly recommend him for any engineering position, and would stake my reputation on his ability to execute."

Mack LinkedIn
Mack Hooper

Bringing the Internet of Things to Life at WePlenish

October 24, 2013, Mack was senior to Robert but didn’t manage directly


I generally approach engineering problems by first formulating a mathematical model of the system under consideration; I then use that model to optimize the system with respect to some important metric or a figure of merit. Finally, I propose a design – an instance of the class of systems that the model represents – that fully accounts for all of the configurations, materials, and processes at my disposal.

Too often in industry have I observed engineers who prematurely rush to the design stage of a device – making consequential engineering choices in a hurry and relying on too many software toys – without a refined understanding of the design tradeoffs, fundamental limitations, and exploitable design opportunities that are derived from careful mathematical modeling of a well understood problem. I’m pretty certain that I was one of those engineers at some point early in my career.

Of course, projects differ greatly in their requirements and timelines, so it's best not to be too rigid with any approach. That said, when time permits or a problem is sufficiently difficult, I've found that thinking in this way delivers results:


A mathematical model should be developed in order to understand how the design variables relate to outputs of interest. This phase is dominated by secondary research in order to identify salient physical phenomena.

When an adequate understanding of the system under consideration is achieved, a mathematical model is proposed. I often create lumped-element models using equivalent circuit modeling and energy-based Lagrangian techniques, or parametric finite element models.

Finally, instantiate the model in a language of your choice, such as MATLAB, Julia, or Python, for further manipulation. Corroborate the model as much as possible using data from secondary sources.


Given a mathematical model of the system, identify the outputs of interest and the design constraints; from those, formulate an objective function and set up an optimization problem.

Subjective preference information is used to map multiple objectives to a standard optimization problem; if this is not yet possible, multi-objective optimization techniques may be used to identify a Pareto frontier. A better understanding of design tradeoffs is developed here.

The goal of this phase is to give each design iteration the highest possible chance of success before moving forward with production while simultaneously minimizing expensive iterative prototyping.


Mathematical models are usually ambiguous enough to allow for a wide range of physical manifestations of the modeled system, with many opportunities to improve a final assembly’s form, cost, manufacturability, and aesthetic.

Determining the fit and function of parts most conducive to manufacturing and assembly is only one portion of this process; judicious choice of materials and fabrication processes is also paramount. Pragmatic changes made to meet manufacturing constraints can be fed back into the model to aid in making final design decisions.

The development of test equipment for model validation and design benchmarking must also occur in parallel for continual improvement in design.

"Not only did Rob complete his project well...

...he seriously improved the modeling capability of the lab particularly in developing complex models in Matlab. Rob is meticulous and will not rest until he has found the best method to accomplish his task. Simulations that used to require hours now run in minutes due to Rob’s improvements. This has improved the productivity of the entire lab."

Shad LinkedIn
Shad Roundy

Associate Professor at University of Utah

January 13th, 2020, Shad was Robert's mentor


Utah seal

Ph.D., Mechanical Engineering

University of Utah, 2019

Dissertation: Design, Analysis, and Optimization of Wrist-Worn Energy Harvesters

Advisor: Shad Roundy

Utah seal

M.S., Mechanical Engineering

University of Utah, 2019

Advisor: Shad Roundy

FSU seal

B.S., Mechanical Engineering

Florida State University, 2012

Minors in Physics & Mathematics

Awards & Scholarships

Rob receiving award

Graduate Researcher of the Year

2017-2018 in Design, Ergonomics, Manufacturing and Systems

University of Utah

Utah seal

Dean's List

All Enrolled Semesters

University of Utah

Bioreactor project

Senior Design Project Award

Best Overall Project, 2nd Runner Up

Florida State University

FSU Digitech logo

DIGITECH Exhibition

Website Design

Florida State University

FSU seal

Dean's / President's List

Multiple Semesters

Florida State University

Bright Futures logo

Florida Bright Futures Scholarship

Florida Academic Scholars Award

Highest award tier funding 100% of tuition plus book costs

US Department of Education seal

Academic Competitiveness & SMART Grants

National Science and Mathematics Access to Retain Talent (SMART)

Encourages taking more challengeing high-school courses and the pursuit of STEM college majors

Homer documents

Looking for my employment background?

Check out the projects page for a project-oriented description of some of my experience in industry and academia, along with a leisure project or two.

If you'd like a more conventional summary of my background, check out my LinkedIn profile and my Google Scholar summary . You can also send me a message.


Duke crest

Specialization: Introduction to Programming in C

Duke University, 2020

Algorithms, function calls, conditional statments, loops, types, casting, conversion, structs, Git, compilation, linking, makefiles, black- / white-box testing, GDB, Valgrind, pointers, arrays, recursion, system calls, file I/O, memory management, dynamic memory allocation. This specialization is composed of four, 4-week courses:

  1. Programming Fundamentals
  2. Writing, Running, and Fixing Code in C
  3. Pointers, Arrays, and Recursion
  4. Interacting with the System and Managing Memory

University of Illinois seal

Specialization: Accelerated Computer Science Fundamentals

University of Illinois at Urbana–Champaign, 2020

Pointers, stack memory, heap memory, constructors (class, copy, copy assignment), destructors, templated variables, linked lists, stacks, queues, Binary Search Trees (BSTs), tree traversal, balanced BSTs, AVL trees, B-trees, heaps, hashing, disjoint sets, UpTrees, graphs, graph traversal, minimum spanning trees, shortest path algorithms. This specialization is composed of three, 4-week courses:

  1. Object-Oriented Data Structures in C++
  2. Ordered Data Structures
  3. Unordered Data Structures

Georgia Tech seal

Control of Mobile Robots

Georgia Institute of Technology, 2020

PID control, odometry, sensors, go-to-goal, obstacle avoidance, state-space robot models, Segway robots, hybrid automata, Zeno phenomenon, sliding mode control, state machines, car-like robots.


Advanced Design and Analysis of Control Systems · Advanced Ordinary Differential Equations · Calculus of Variations · Classical Dynamics and Analytical Mechanics · Electromechanical Transducers · Machine Learning · Mathematical Optimization · Mechatronics · Metallurgy · Nonlinear Control Theory · Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos · Optimal Control Theory · Robotics · Web Design · Web Development · Vibration