Robert Rantz


Journal & Conference Papers

Dynamics of Wrist-Worn Eccentric-Rotor Energy Harvesters

R. Rantz and S. Roundy. Physical Review Applied 14 (1), 014058 (2020)

Energy harvesting and wireless power transfer in a unified system for wearable devices

B.D. Truong, C. Roundy, R. Rantz, and S. Roundy. 2019 19th International Conference on Micro and Nanotechnology for Power Generation and Energy Conversion Applications (PowerMEMS) (2019)

Fabrication and characterization of a wrist-driven rotational energy harvester using multiple plucked piezoelectric unimorphs

M.A. Halim, T. Xue, R. Rantz, Q. Zhang, L. Gu, K. Yang, and S. Roundy. Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1407 (1), 012003 (2019)

Inertial Energy Harvesting for Wearables

S. Roundy, R. Rantz, T. Xue, and M.A. Halim. 2018 IEEE SENSORS, 1-4 (2018)

Modeling and Experimental Analysis of a Wearable Energy Harvester that Exploits Human-Body Motion

M.A. Halim, R. Rantz, Q. Zhang, L. Gu, K. Yang, and S. Roundy. 2018 IEEE SENSORS, 1-4 (2018)

System Modeling, Characterization, and Design Considerations for Generators in Commercial Watches With Application to Energy Harvesting for Wearables

T. Xue, S. Williams, R. Rantz, M.A. Halim, and S. Roundy. IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics 23 (5), 2515-2524 (2018)

An electromagnetic rotational energy harvester using sprung eccentric rotor, driven by pseudo-walking motion

M.A. Halim, R. Rantz, Q. Zhang, L. Gu, K. Yang, and S. Roundy. Applied Energy 217, 66-74 (2018)

Architectures for wrist-worn energy harvesting

R. Rantz, M.A. Halim, T. Xue, Q. Zhang, L. Gu, K. Yang, and S. Roundy. Smart Materials and Structures 27 (4), 044001 (2018)

Electromagnetic energy harvesting from swing-arm motion using rotational eccentric mass structure

M.A. Halim, R. Rantz, Q. Zhang, L. Gu, K. Yang, and S. Roundy. 2017 19th International Conference on Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems (TRANSDUCERS), pp. 1863-1866 (2017)

Characterization of Real-world Vibration Sources and Application to Nonlinear Vibration Energy Harvesters

R. Rantz and S. Roundy. Energy Harvesting and Systems 4 (2), 67-76 (2017)

Kinetic Energy Harvesting using Improved Eccentric Rotor Architecture for Wearable Sensors

Q. Zhang, L. Gu, K. Yang, M.A. Halim, R. Rantz, and S. Roundy. 2016 IEEE SENSORS, 1-3 (2016)

Comparative Analysis of Wrist-worn Energy Harvesting Architectures

R. Rantz, T. Xue, Q. Zhang, L. Gu, K. Yang, and S. Roundy. Journal of Physics: Conference Series 773 (1), 012076 (2016)

Characterization of Real-world Vibration Sources with a View Towards Optimal Energy Harvesting Architectures

R. Rantz and S. Roundy. Industrial and Commercial Applications of Smart Structures Technologies, vol. 9801, p. 98010P. (2016)



R. Rantz and S. Roundy. 00846-U6956.PROV, 63/025,739 (2020)


S. Roundy, T. Xue, R. Rantz, and A. H. Miah. #WO2019089466A1 (2018)
