Robert Rantz


Product development on a firm foundation

Meet Robert

Robert round

Robert Rantz at a glance

Mechanical Engineer

Nearly a decade of experience designing cool stuff from combustion engines to wrist-worn, self-powered tech


Expertise in system dynamics, energy harvesting, and mathematical modeling of electromechanical systems

Olympic Gold Medalist

“Really?” No, not really.

Massive Nerd

Opportunities to learn are opportunities worth taking; it's why I became an engineer in the first place

"I had the pleasure...

...of advising Rob during his PhD studies at the University of Utah. Rob is an extremely intelligent, highly motivated and capable mechanical engineer with specific expertise in electromechanical system design and dynamics. In addition to his technical expertise, Rob is a great communicator in both verbal and written form. I highly recommend him as an engineer, researcher, and a productive and pro-active team member."

Shad LinkedIn
Shad Roundy

Associate Professor at University of Utah

January 13th, 2020, Shad was Robert's mentor

Anatomy of this site

Meet Robert

A bit about me, the way I approach new problems, my educational background, and other such things can be found on the about page.


To read my research papers, view my patents, or – for the masochists out there – peruse my dissertation, visit the research page.

Work Gallery

On the projects page, I’ve posted a few summaries of various things I’ve worked on for business and for pleasure, like wrist-worn energy harvesters, Chinese flashcards, or a mathematical model of a VCR.

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